Big Rain, Great Company & Kayak Fishing

Big Rain, Great Company & Kayak Fishing

This is the account of the greatest, wildest & wettest trip that i have ever been on. All of us Know about the weather that moved through North Texas last Saturday morning. The smart one had cancelled their plans and were sawing logs to boom of thunder and the pater of rain on the window, some of my favorite sleeping conditions. I however, was outside loading gear and getting ready for an epic trip to southeast Texas and Lake Naconiche. The great thing about kayak fishing is you can always find someone as eager as you to make the trip and keep you company through the storm and long drive.

Jason and I pulled out of the driveway at 3:45 A.M. and all was well until we hit the biblical proportion of rain just outside of Dallas. This isn’t the type of rain where it is hard for a moment then lets you through. This rain was white knuckle, hydroplaning bad stuff. We eventually make it to the cut off west of Longview and that’s were the rain lightens up and we cruise to the lake with only the biggest of bass on our mind. As with any great road and not being familiar with the route we make a couple of wrong turns and have to do some back tracking to get back on the course. You have to watch those east Texas signs carefully sometimes they will point you in the wrong direction. Luckily for me I had Jason with me and he understands directions and schedules as he controls 45% of the free worlds railroad traffic. So with his instruction and choice words we make it to the lake.

It’s a miracle! The lake was calm and no sign of rain and we knew that this could be a magical day. Well, the rain and magic held off as the front blew in on us and soaked us for about four and a half hours. The cool thing was the action was steady enough and we caught enough quality fish to keep us from being miserable. The lake had changed over the last two years much like the weather of the day. When the lake opened it was a trophy bass lake and the stories of double digit after double digit were told. Today the DD’s are hard to come by and according to locals once they are caught they are either trucked off to farm ponds or dinner tables.  One thing that hadn’t changed was the scenery and the timber. If you like pitching timber than this lake is for you. It’s 92.5% standing timber with a lay down at every turn. I have a tough time deciding where to cast because it all looks so rich. The action stayed steady and the conversation remained fresh, the rain came and went so we ended up putting a solid eleven hours on the water. Learning about the lake, cracking jokes and trying to call the the ten pounders when we couldn’t keeps the two’s off the line.

After the long grind and extreme conditions of the day Jason and I headed back to the launch for the load up and the long drive home. No big road trip is ever complete without the Whataburger double cheese with onion rings and a massive chocolate shake. That is our perscription for a recovery meal after living on dried mangos and beef jerky all day. If you want to have a great time catching a ton of fish and you have a day to kill grab a fishing buddy and head down to Lake Naconiche. How knows you may just find the ten pounder and have an excellent adventure. Good friends make it easy to kayak fish so thanks Jason O. & KJ for the outstanding photo-41

Three Steps To Great Father & Son Time On The Water

Three Steps To Great Father & Son Time On The Water

Fishing is a big deal to me. I have tried for a couple of years to instill that passion in my twelve year old son and finally he has caught the bug. Spending quality time on the water with my son is important o me because it is something he and I can share for a lifetime. I love looking at the photos and reading posts on forums about how a dad of 79 and son in his early 50’s are still getting it done in kayaks. My hope is that my son and I can share this bond for many years years to come. Here are three things I have observed about my son and I’s fishing relationship.

  • Let The Game Come To You. I have learned that by having my son innate the fishing conversation he takes it more seriously and is a better listener when receiving instructions.
  • Fish On A Kids Terms. I can fish for hours in any type of weather, kids usually cannot. I found that by breaking the trip up into segments of 1-2 hours help hold attention and will not burn out your child.
  • Don’t Take It To Seriously. Remember you are fishing with a kid so don’t beat them down with over the top instruction and always encourage them, even when they backlash your best bait caster!

When Jack and I head to the lake I want to make sure he has a great time, learns a few things and enjoys being outside. I learned by taking the laid back approach to fishing with my son works best for all of us and fosters great memories and anticipation of our next trip. Of course it always helps to have great fishing action whether its fishing for bass or catching a ton of perch on Ultralight equipment. For all of us Dads out there I know there are no better words you can hear on the the lake than when your son yells, “Hey Dad I got one!”


Comfort Is Key

Comfort Is Key

Looking Good = Fishing Good!

Looking Good = Fishing Good!

You see all types of clothes being worn by the kayak angler, from swim suits to long pants it boils down to personal preference. Living in the south I prefer shorts because i can wear them pretty well thru November. I have sampled many pairs of shorts from board short to Larry Bird style short – short. I have found that the American Fishing Tackle Company or AFTCO for short offers me the best fit and the most comfort.

I stumbled across these shorts due to to the relationship with the Hobie Fishing Team, however, that relationship doesn’t sway my opinion. I have to have quality, style and functionality. The Stealth Fishing Short offers all of that along with outstanding comfort. One of my large issues with shorts is that either they are too baggy or too tight, crotch to long or way to short. Believe me when you on the lake and you spend more time correcting your shorts than mending your line you have a clothing problem. the AFTCO Stealth exceeded my expectations over a long, hard and hot season.

What makes the shorts functional is that they are 95%Nylon Dobby and 5% Spandex. They are also AFLEX 2-way stretch. That helps in a kayak because my shorts seldom get into a bind. The Nylon allows for movement and the spandex along with the AFLEX 2 way all the material to stretch in whatever direction you are moving. These shorts are extremely water resistant so when I am putting in or taking out the water slides right off and drys out in minutes.

Another great feature of the short is that they are stylish. After you have finished on the water you can head straight into the bar, restaurant or church and fit right in. Simply take off your sweat stained T-shirt apply a fresh towel and strap on your Tommy Bahama and you are ready to roll. The detailed stitching brings the patterns out and gives the shorts a style that is outstanding.

Kayak anglers are tough on clothes. I go through numerous shorts and shirts throughout the season. I can say that when I purchased the AFTCO Stealth that they have worn great and haven’t sustained any rips along the inseam or pockets. The reason the pockets are tough is because the short is designed with the reinforced pliers pocket. This pocket allows you needle nose to slide in with out getting in the material and ripping it or gouging your legs. These shorts have become the go to short for Kayak Bass Adventures!

For me looking good is fishing good. Being comfortable on the water allows us additional hours out pursuing our passions for big fish. If you are looking for one of the best pairs of shorts you will ever own check out and let them know that Kayak Bass Adventures sent you! Question of the day are you a shorts guy or a pants guy?


That Spring Time Fall Feeling!

The fall season has opened up with cold fronts, swinging temperatures and hungry bass! Other than football there is no greeter thing than the fall feed up. Last week we hung out with FLW Pro, James Biggs and were amazed at his tactics for landing big fall bass.

We all know that seasonal patterns play a huge roll in where and how too fish. James Biggs keys on these patterns and samples where the fish should be this time of the year. “It’s time to move shallow and enjoy that spring time fall feeling!” Biggs told me as he cruised a shallow flat waving his cranking rod as it were a magic wand. I replied back, “Spring time Fall feeling?” I was quickly schooled in what this term meant to a FLW touring pro. Here are three quick tips to give you that Spring time Fall feeling.

  • Big flat banks with isolated cover produce big fish in the Fall pattern. The most effective way to probe these flats is with the Xcite Baits XB-1, Silent, crankbait.
  • Faster is better in the Fall. Speed up the retrieve and look for pockets of bait fish because when you find the bait you find find the bass. You are playing the ultimate reaction strike with fish in a feeding frenzy.
  • Be versatile. Should the crankbait bite be nonexistent don’t be afraid to switch gears and go with a brown jig. These fall fronts can knock the bite down for a day or so and if you find yourself caught in this pattern slow down and match the crawfish pattern.

Our day wound up being a combination of the above with a front pressing down the crankbait was the action of the morning producing big fish and then as the front passed through it gave way to an ever so slow jig bite. I learned two things from this trip. First, the pros are pros for a reason. I fished the same bait the same way and over the same spots as James, but at the end of the day James Biggs delivered bigger fish and was on a more consistent bite. Second, listen to the pro. if they tell you to slow down, speed up or get the net heed the warning and do what you are told because it will ut bigger fish on the end of your line. The purpose of a coach is to make you better. For more information on James Biggs feel free to reach out to him on Facebook at James Biggs Fishing. He will be happy to answer questions, share tips or just talk fishing. One last thing, that Spring time Fall feeling is going to be the only fast action you get until next spring so hammer down and get yours this fall. Feel free to share your Fall fishing tips and let us know what is working for you!



On The Hook – Understanding The Seasonal Pattern

Whatever you decide to do, whether it’s sales, construction, automotive or sports there is a learning curve to get past before you enter into the elite pro level. I have learned this lesson many times, thinking I had all the answers when it came to managing or selling situation only to find out I was massively off target. In talking with James Biggs, FLW Touring Professional, he shares his seasonal pattern advice.

When you are a rookie on the FLW no one does you any favors. The only help you receive is from your memory bank of practice and time on the water under similar conditions. When James Biggs rolls up to a new lake he spends time focusing on what his strength is. But before he hits the water he does his research. He goes online and looks at Google Earth and zeroes in on the what he believes the seasonal pattern will be. So mixing the seasonal patterns and online research will help you put more bass in the boat. Here are the four basic seasonal patterns:

  •  Winter Time Fun Time Where The Bass Hold To The Vertical Bluff Walls And Aren’t That Active.
  • Realize There Are Two Patterns Going On In The Spring. You Have Post Spawn Fish & Shad Spawn In The Northern Zone and Spawning Fishing In The Southern Zone.
  • Summer Brings The Bass Out Over Deep Water Holding To Deep Structure.
  • Fall The Bass Push The Shad Shallow & Begin The Feeding Frenzy Known As The Fall Feed Up

Once you understand the circle of the life pertaining to bass you will match your strength with the seasonal pattern and according to James Biggs, “That’s When The Magic Happens!” Time spent on the water studying and understanding what the season is bringing will make you an accomplished angler and prepares you for the next step in tournament fishing. For more insight and great information check out James Biggs Fishing.


The Changing Tides

As a freshwater guy I don’t know much about tides, tidal charts, moon phases or anything else that could leave you high and dry and out of the fishing when you hit the salt. However, what I do know about tides is that they change. Change is good and we need to evolve in what we are doing in order to constantly grow. Think of it like this, when Gordon Gecko was walking in with the brick cell phone in the early ninety’s who would have thought that a few decades later we all would have more power in our hands than was on the Apollo 13 trip to the moon. Like I said change is good and evolving is paramount. Here is the new publishing schedule for Kayak Bass Adventures.

The blog will publish three days a week: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. I feel that there is enough content across the industry to keep it fresh and conversational. Here is a menu of how the days will break out and what will be covered:

  • Tuesday: Interviews with people within the fishing community. These could be fellow kayak anglers, FLW Pros, BASS Elite Pros or people in the Outdoor Retail sector.
  • Wednesday: I will talk about fashion, gear, new baits or some type of fishing related product. I like fashion!
  • Thursday: This will be a free for all with guest hosts, video blog or some sort of wacky life advice.

As you can see there is going to be a ton of action across Kayak Bass Adventures. I feel that the tide is rising for all of kayak fishing and especially kayak bass fishing, so jump on and ride the waves. I look forward to your comments and suggestions. As for tidal reports and conditions on the big water I leave that to my friends at 30 Miles Out and Yak Fish TVIMG_1023.



My Smith Optics Help Close Business Deal

Whether you’re in an office, a shop, behind a desk or in the great outdoors one thing lets people know that you are an angler. It took me some time to figure this out and one day on my way into a big meeting my client asks if I fished? I said, yes, how’d you know? He told me that no regular person would have a set of goggles around his neck like that unless he spent some time on the water. After saying this he goes into his brief case and grabbed his. We spent time talking fishing and eventually secured the business. We make statements all the time some are loud and some are subtle. There is no bigger statement you can make than with your eyewear!

Kayak Bass Adventures chooses to wear Smith Optics. Not only are they cool and fashionable, which is extremely important, they are functional on every level. We choose the Smith Optics Chromapop lenses for five tactical reasons:

1. Five times more scratch resistant than a plastic lenses.
2. Lighter than plastic and glass.
3. Anti reflective coating on the back of the lenses preventing sidelight reflections.
4. Smith uses free polarization which does away with the need of having a film or glue on the lenses.
5. Great fits & Large Selection; Very Stylish!

Whether you are inside or outside Smith Optics has a pair of glasses that will fit into whatever you are doing. Don’t forget that you make statements out there. Smith Optics makes a huge statement, with their lifetime warranty. You heard correctly, I said lifetime, for more insight or to find your local Smith Optics dealer check out These glasses can do it all from helping you find common ground in a business meeting to giving you a comfortable fit, while protecting you from the flying hooks or harmful rays.



In The Beginning

In The Beginning

In the beginning there was a kid who wanted to fish. That beginning turned out a determined, knowledgeable and formidable competitor at the highest level of the FLW, the Forest Wood Cup. Before we tell you about the greatness achieved and the single largest contributing bait to his success; let’s take a minute and follow the trail that leads to the top of the world in bass fishing. The professional angler I speak of is James Biggs and we had a chance to catch up during one of his many appearances. During this session he expressed to me exactly where he had come from and where he wants to go in fishing.

James was introduced into fishing by his dad. They loved hitting small ponds and lakes around their home. James told me that from a very early age he wanted to become a pro. I looked at him and said that I had the same feelings and what had propelled him and stopped me? The answer is passion and a thirst for knowledge and the commitment to take it to the next level. When James turned sixteen he began fishing TBF tournaments as a co-angler. According to James it’s amazing what you can learn from the back seat, if you just listen? The drive for knowledge made him understand that you have to be confident in what you are throwing and how you are fishing it. This quote from James summed it up for me “It doesn’t matter if you fish super slow or have the trolling motor up to a hundred miles per hour; fish to your strengths!”
We have all heard the term, Jack of all trades and master of none. To be a pro angler you have to be a master of all. James Biggs is versatile, but it didn’t happen overnight. He told me that growing up he would pick out one technique a year whether it’s cranking, jigging or Carolina rigging you keep fishing it and learning the conditions that are great or not so great for the presentation. James goes on to say that by practicing and learning the modifications on leader size or jig weight you get the confidence that you can force feed a bass the Carolina Rig in two feet of water in forty degree weather. If there was one thing I grabbed from James during our visit it was confidence, confidence and confidence. To be the best you have to believe that you have the knowledge, the knowhow, and the equipment to get the job done. You add extreme confidence to that recipe and you have a champion.
We had a great time rolling back and forth and talking fishing. The things I took away from our visit were have I been studying techniques enough to know they will work? Have I ever been throwing something I had no clue how to fish when cash is on the line? I have many more questions, but times running short. Standby for the next installment where James Biggs tells us about the ups and downs of fishing at the highest levels!


Dare To Dream Big!

Remember when you were a kid and your parents said that you could be anything you wanted to be, if you tried hard enough? That sounded great to a twelve or fourteen year old kid, but as you aged and you had not found a direction you might have heard your folks or others say just do something! You may be wondering why I would start a fishing blog post with a those sentences? Well, I feel that in our sport, kayak fishing; we need more people daring to dream the impossible.
As I cruise and talk to folks on the road I always hear, “Man, I would love to be able to make a living at this outdoors, kayak fishing thing.” That dream sentence is smashed less than ten seconds after it’s said by the one who has the dream. That is a shame! Others will say to the dreamer, “there are only 5 people in the world who make a living riding a kayak”. These folks need to stop limiting hopes and dreams of those who want to climb the rope and make it to the top. So there are only 5? Is there room for more?
Dreams are great things and they are yours, don’t let the haters, trolls and others who prey on stealing your joy get you down. Those people wish they had the intestinal fortitude to give it a shot. One thing I have learned about haters and trolls is that they lack heart! When you have the heart and the courage to pursue the mission through to completion, no one can stop you. Dreamers who dream the big dream have to be focused and stay the course or else it remains just a dream. Here a five tips to help you stay on course:
1. Write down your end goal. How does it look when you achieve the dream?
2. Step through your dream detail by detail – call it a strategic plan.
3. Be willing to put the ground work in and stay on course even when you feel that you are failing.
4. Seek wise counsel & surround yourself with a team of encouragers.
5. It’s your dream and you have to nurture it. No one can deliver it for you.
Remember the kid who wanted to be the Astronaut, policeman or Professional Kayak Angler? It’s still in there and may just need to be unlocked. There is plenty of room on the stage for as many people who have the courage, the dream and the desire to help grow a limitless sport!



No Wi-Fi Required

For the last 2 days I have had to live without a wireless signal. I never gave much thought to just how many things need to be connected in order to perform properly. That gave me some thought about just how connected our culture is and how it’s gets to freak out mode when you can’t run your TV, Computer, Social Applications and the list goes on. I had to work it old school the last couple of days and it gave some clarity. The clear vision is that I am spoiled to technology and want my wireless router back, quickly. So as I write this, using bootlegged service from the neighbor, patiently waiting for the UPS truck to pull up. Luckily, my Hobie Pro Angler 14 doesn’t need a signal and so if the router doesn’t arrive today you can find me on the water.

No WiFi Required!

No WiFi Required!