Three Steps To Great Father & Son Time On The Water

Three Steps To Great Father & Son Time On The Water

Fishing is a big deal to me. I have tried for a couple of years to instill that passion in my twelve year old son and finally he has caught the bug. Spending quality time on the water with my son is important o me because it is something he and I can share for a lifetime. I love looking at the photos and reading posts on forums about how a dad of 79 and son in his early 50’s are still getting it done in kayaks. My hope is that my son and I can share this bond for many years years to come. Here are three things I have observed about my son and I’s fishing relationship.

  • Let The Game Come To You. I have learned that by having my son innate the fishing conversation he takes it more seriously and is a better listener when receiving instructions.
  • Fish On A Kids Terms. I can fish for hours in any type of weather, kids usually cannot. I found that by breaking the trip up into segments of 1-2 hours help hold attention and will not burn out your child.
  • Don’t Take It To Seriously. Remember you are fishing with a kid so don’t beat them down with over the top instruction and always encourage them, even when they backlash your best bait caster!

When Jack and I head to the lake I want to make sure he has a great time, learns a few things and enjoys being outside. I learned by taking the laid back approach to fishing with my son works best for all of us and fosters great memories and anticipation of our next trip. Of course it always helps to have great fishing action whether its fishing for bass or catching a ton of perch on Ultralight equipment. For all of us Dads out there I know there are no better words you can hear on the the lake than when your son yells, “Hey Dad I got one!”